Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Child is Anti-Camera

Well not all the time. She's a pretty cute kid but the moment the camera comes out she's like too busy to even notice. The thing is, actual photographers are expensive so most of the time I just try to do it by myself with my Canon Power Shot. Just a regular digital camera. I payed good money for it though so it should make any picture I take just flat out cute! Here is the result:

Outright refusal to even acknowledge there is a camera.

The few times I get nice pics, I'm so excited I upload them on my computer to edit them on my computer program (because I'm awesome at photoshopping or something).

Then I take cell phone pics which should be outright crappy right?

A little blurry but it's a great picture! Here's the key to amazing cell phone pics. Make sure you have 5% battery power remaining and you need that 5% to use the navigation on your phone to get home later but dammit you can't resist taking a picture or two!

We also got her picture taken at JC Penney. The JC Penney lady just approached us at the play area and asked if I wanted her pics taken for free. Well I'm not one to turn down a free picture though I do question the lady's rationality (my kid was not the most dressed up or presentable kid there). Regardless, I followed her into JC Penney and we set up.

The thing about getting your picture taken at JC Penney is there is a little red dot you have to stand on. No issue for normal people right? Well toddlers are not normal people. Emily barely ever stood on the red dot and chose to instead explore the photographer's work space. I could tell the photographer was having a hard time with my child but what a trooper! She kept on and managed to get a few good pictures. She gives me the online album number or whatever and I head home with a head full of dreams of all the pictures I saw (that's how they get you).

I post the album to my facebook page and everyone compliments on how cute she is. Everyone but my aunt who undoubtedly notices that that day was not Emily's day for pictures. She points out my child's sloppy hair and asks if they can photoshop that. Can't catch a break even if the pics are done by a professional. Yikes!

This is her JC Penney pic by the way. The free one. I can't really help that she has such wispy hair. Oh well she's cute.

So what it all comes down to I suppose is that everything I do with her is a picturesque moment even if my camera disagrees.